For cutting-edge products that require pulse-based tunable lasers,… Mills Mills2024-05-23 15:55:462024-10-18 15:56:34Tunable Lasers Achieve Black Box Status
Optical parametric oscillators are key to cutting-edge nanosecond… Mills Mills2024-02-06 15:53:502024-10-18 15:54:58Tunable Lasers Expand the Possibilities of Time-Resolved Spectroscopy One Nanometer at a Time
OPO lasers test optical fibers and components to characterize… Mills Mills2023-09-28 15:51:462024-10-18 15:53:46OPO Lasers Put Optical Components to the Test
The flexibility of compact, mobile, photoacoustic imaging equipment… Mills Mills2023-01-20 15:48:512024-10-18 15:59:26The Promise of Mobile Photoacoustic Imaging
Dr. Elton Sores de Lima Filho is currently a Research Officer with… 16:08:212022-01-26 16:09:35Research News- Dr. Elton Sores de Lima Filho NRC
Dr. Raiyan Zaman is an Assistant Professor in the Department… 22:26:012021-08-30 22:26:01Customer Spotlight- Dr. Raiyan Zaman, Harvard Medical School
Dr. Kevin Braeckmans is a Professor at Ghent University… 21:14:232021-08-03 15:42:07Customer Spotlight- Dr. Kevin Braeckmans, Ghent University
High Powered Lasers: A Call for Fiber Delivery
Tunable Lasers Achieve Black Box Status
Tunable Lasers Expand the Possibilities of Time-Resolved Spectroscopy One Nanometer at a Time
OPO Lasers Put Optical Components to the Test
OPO Lasers Spur Advances in Mass Spectrometry
The Promise of Mobile Photoacoustic Imaging
Research News- Dr. Elton Sores de Lima Filho NRC
Customer Spotlight- Dr. Raiyan Zaman, Harvard Medical School
Customer Spotlight- Dr. Kevin Braeckmans, Ghent University
Customer Spotlight- Ms. Kristie Huda- Tulane University